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Ladies Links & Drinks

Welcome to Ladies' Links & Drinks! LL& D is perfect for all levels.  Whether you are simply curious about the game, a brand new golfer, or a casual player, we are happy to have you join us!

LLD 2025 Generic 

Somers National Golf Club hosts “Ladies, Links & Drinks,” a program designed to acquaint women 21 and older with the game of golf.  The Club hosts number of 5-week sessions throughout the season.  If you’ve never touched a golf club before, this is the perfect place for you to be!

The social aspect to the game is a big thing as well… this program provides an opportunity for women to go out and play with their friends.  At Somers National, program participants will meet Wednesday or Thursday nights.

Sessions begin with a 30-minute clinic and practice on the range led by Skip Marini, followed by a few holes on the course.  After, participants will have the opportunity to socialize over drinks and appetizers. The fee for a 4-week program is $295. No equipment is required, other than comfortable clothes and sneakers. Somers National provides the clubs and balls.

Skip Marini will be your host for the clinics and he will also have a qualified assistant.  There will be a maximum of 24 participants to allow for an 8:1 student to instructor ratio.

Session: Wednesday & Thursday Evenings at 6 pm, Ladies Links & Drinks

Location: Somers National Golf Club, Driving Range & Practice Area

Instructor: Skip Marini

Schedule Details: Wednesday & Thursday Evenings at 6 pm          

Age/Gender: Ladies, Ages 21 and over

Fee: $295

To Register, please use this link:  Ladies Links & Drinks Registration

Somers National Golf Club
1000 West Hill Drive North
Somers, NY 10589